'R' Experts.
you are always seeking to improve your skin’s complexion in better and healthier way (or really simply that way to bring the most exceptional result) , you are just in the right spot, R Shop. We are dedicated to check each little details of your skin instants and figure out the most effective and efficient way to bring you the most astounding result.
Our innovative and latest technology built in products (contain over 99.9% active ingredients) will provide you with a corrective treatment program.
When you understand your skin needs better and take a proper care, this skin journey can be much more efficient and pleasant.
Feel best in your skin starts right now. R shop is so ready for you.
Let us discover which high performance cleanser, exfoliating lotions, essential serums and protective products are the best for your skin instant. One person’s skin will might need more than simple 1. Cleanse, 2. Moisturize, and 3. Protect or totally fine with this simple routine. More detailed skin conditions you provide us, you might get an extensive skincare routine at the end. Each product you will get recommended will perform different performances for your skin needs. So, let us check your skin instant first.