Personalized Facial Treatments
With a complex understanding of multiple massage techniques and technological modalities, Refine aestheticians expertly curate a custom treatment for each individual when they step into the treatment room. By determining the root cause, specific concerns including acne, wrinkles, pigmentation, dryness, sensitivity and overall skin health and complexion can be effectively improved.
What to expect:
- A thorough consultation for first-time clients will be conducted to ensure the appropriate techniques & protocols will be performed. Skin assessments will be conducted at each visit for returning clients to ensure skin progress and appropriate treatment prior to treatment.
- Modalities are incorporated into each Refine treatment to target specific skin concerns. Modalities may include: LED light therapy, ultrasound lymphatic drainage, oxygen infusion, plasma energy, needleless microneedling (SkinFusion), iontophoresis, cryo massage and chemical peels.
- Treatments are followed with recommended aftercare based on your skin, detailed instructions and continuous support.
- Biweekly or monthly treatments (2-4 weeks) are recommended for optimal skin progress dependent on speed of skin recovery and desired skin transformation.
- Expected time: 60-90 mins